Raise your heart rate to new heights with this 20-minute HIIT boxing workout

Punch something that doesn't punch back, lose weight — it's a win-win situation.

When you hear the phrase HIIT (high-intensity interval training), you may think of burpees, mountain climbers, and jump squats. Sure, that's one definition of HIIT—but on this page, we'll show you how to do a no-holds-barred HIIT boxing exercise.

Furthermore, the boxers decreased their blood pressure by 16%, raised their VO2 max (a measure of aerobic fitness) by 16%, and enhanced their sensation of vitality by 54%. So, if you're having trouble shifting your stomach, don't give up – box yourself thinner.

How to do it

Perform this three-move boxing HIIT program to burn fat quickly. Do 40 seconds of bag work, 20 seconds of rest, 40 seconds of sprawls, 20 seconds of rest, and 40 seconds of sit-outs. Rest for 60 seconds before repeating the circuit three times more.

Shamro HIIT Boxing workout plan

Bag Drill

Throw straight punches, turning on your back foot when hitting with your back hand. Aim for a balance of power and speed, and maintain your non-punching hand by your chin — it's an excellent habit to develop, and it provides your shoulders a nice workout. Don't forget to wear your boxing gloves, though! :)


The sprawl is used by MMA fighters to counter the double-leg takedown — a wrestling technique akin to a rugby tackle – but its up-down aspect makes it ideal for obese competitors. Drop your hips low to the floor while maintaining your chest high, then quickly return to your posture.


If an MMA opponent sprawls on you, the sit-out is your go-to escape. Begin on all hands and knees, elevate one hand, and kick your opposite leg through, aiming for your foot to land where your hand was. Return to the beginning and repeat on the opposite side.

There you go!

This workout should assist to shake up your existing routine and increase your drive.